Friday, December 16, 2005

The CMG Podcast: September 2005, Pt. 1 | Scott Reid

The CMG September Podcast, PT. 1: Scott Reid

1. Caribou: "Subotnick"
From The Milk of Human Kindness, out now on Domino.

2. John Smith: "Pinky's Laundromat"
From Pinky's Laundromat, out now on Peanuts & Corn.

3. Russian Futurists: "Our Pen's Out of Ink"
From Our Thickness, out now on Upper Class.

4. Clue to Kalo: "The Younger the Old"
From One Way, It's Every Way, out now on Mush.

5. Michael Johnson: "Awful Side"
From Nonsense Goes Mudslide, out now on Must! Delicious.

6. Salim Nourallah: "A Family Disease"
From Polaroid, out now on Western Vinyl.

7. Mike Trike: "Pasadena"
From Apartment 18, out now on Practically Records.
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8. Local Rabbits: "At Least You Got the Cake"
From This is It Here We Go, out now on Brobdingnagian.

9. The Heavy Blinkers: "Rise & Glide"
From The Heavy Blinkers, out now on Brobdingnagian.

10. Shotgun & Jaybird: "04 Ed"
From Sackville Classics for Simple Ukulele, out now on Beerhawk.

11. young & sexy: "Ella"
From Life Through One Speaker, out now on Mint.

12. Spoon: "The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine"
From Gimme Fiction, out now on Merge.

13. Angels of Light: "Dawn"
From Sing 'Other People', out now on Young God.

14. Archer Prewitt: "Way of the Sun"
From Wilderness, out now on Thrill Jockey.

15. Detective Kalita: "Jewish New Year"
From The Night We Ate the Cake, out now on Kelp Records.


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