Friday, June 23, 2006

The CMG Podcast: June 2006 (Halfstravaganza), Pt. 2 (B)

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The CMG Podcast: June 2006 (Halfstravaganza), Pt. 2 (B)

1. Keith Fullerton Whitman: “Lisbon (Except 1)”
(0:01 - 0:59)
From Lisbon, out now on Kranky

2. Charalambides: “Spring”
(1:00 - 6:09)
From A Vintage Burden, out now on Kranky

3. Chihei Hatakeyama: “Inside the Pocket"
(6:10 - 10:23)
From Minima Moralia, out now on Kranky

4. Matmos: “Roses & Teeth for Ludwig Wittgenstein”
(10:24 - 13:37)
From The Rose Has Teeth in the Mouth of a Beast, out now on Matador

5. Keith Fullerton Whitman: “Lisbon (Excerpt 2)”
(13:38 - 14:38)
From Lisbon, out now on Kranky

6. MoHa!: “C7”
(14:39 - 17:28)
From Raus Aus Stavanger, out now on Rune Grammofon

7. The Clogs: “Kapsburger/5 4 (medley)”
(17:29 - 22:03)
Both songs from Lantern, out now on Brassland

8. Glissandro 70: “Something”
(22:04 - 24:47)
From Glissandro 70, out now on Constellation

9. Todosantos: “Diciembre”
(24:48 - 28:29)
From Aeropuerto, out now on La Superagencia

10. Shogun Kunitoki: “Tropiikin Kuuma Huuma”
(28:30 - 34:02)
From Tasankokaiku, out now on Fonal

11. Eluvium: “As I Drift Off"
(34:03 - 37:23)
From When I Live by the Garden and by the Sea, out in August on Temporary Residence

12. Keith Fullerton Whitman: “Lisbon (Excerpt 3)”
(37:24 - 38:09)
From Lisbon, out now on Kranky

13. Mono: “The Flames Beyond the Cold Mountain”
(38:10 - 47:12)
From You Are There, out now on Temporary Residence

14. White Rainbow: “Guilded Golden Ladies”
(47:13 - 52:00)
From ZOME, out now on States Rights Records


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